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                   | |       ZeroTrust       | |
                   | |       Offensive       | |
                   | | Security Researchers  | |
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Who we are?

We are a passionate team of Ethical Hackers and Offensive Security Researchers dedicated to strengthening cybersecurity through innovation and hands-on experience. Our team specializes in Bug Bounties, CTF (Capture The Flag) competitions, and cutting-edge research in vulnerability exploitation techniques.

Through strategic collaborations and a commitment to technical excellence, we help organizations anticipate and mitigate emerging cyber threats. Our approach is based on ethics and accountability, ensuring that every discovery is handled with the utmost care to enhance global security.

We excel in our proactive approach to offensive security, sharing findings and techniques through publications, conferences and workshops, contributing to a more secure and aware community. Join our network to connect, collaborate and be at the forefront of security transformation in the digital realm.